Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Shark Cage Diving KZN

Been a great weeks diving with viz going over 30 meters and some nice fish coming over on the dive.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Shark Cage Diving KZN

Its been a great weeks diving with the sharks, we were lucky to see a huge pod of Dolphions on the way home yesterday, Bottle Nose completely grey in colour, and then we saw a Minky whale what a nice end to a days diving, it is starting to get a little chilly in the mornings with the wind from the mountains but that stops at about nine 20 degrees is cold here for us, but make no mistake we have the best Winters the coldest it might get is 18 but on average 22 - 25 air temp and the diving is the same as the summer, we will get the Whales coming soon one more month and if all goes well the the sea temp is right we might see the sardines this year on the South Coast been passing us and going to Durban, if you go on to You Tube and look up sardine netting Rocky Bay south africa you will see how it is done from the land an very exciting period here where these little fish make people do crazy things, have a good week and hope we see some new faces in the future, the 1st photo is of the sharks board who are cleaning there nets in the sand using the waves of the ocean, the check the nets everyday Mon - Friday first light,

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

March diving

It was a great month diving with some very clean water and then lots of rain and changed to about 3m, we are having so much wind too and some huge waves to launch through but we got through and have had some awesome diving, we have just gone into April with a cold front passing for two days and ready for some good diving on the weekend, not long now and we are going to get the humpback Whales coming should be in May, hope to see you on a dive,